Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's been awhile...

Hello everyone! It has been awhile since the last post (blog page editor went back to work). Things are going real well with Peyton. On his last Dr. check up he weighed in at 8lbs and 8ozs. He has grown 3 inches as well. He is starting to become more alert of his surroundings. His hobbies include eating (6 ozs every 4 hours), sleeping, and well, you know, bathroom things. Here are some recent pics... check back later. Thanks for visiting! BYE!

Recent Photos... 6 weeks

Sitting on the bed...
Monday, Monday



Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Play Ball!

I know it's a bit premature, but my daddy has me in training already!

Peyton Update...2/13/07

Thursday (2/16) Peyton will be three weeks. We cannot believe it! He seems a bit more aware of his surroundings now and he's already figuring out ways to get what he wants. It's very exciting because everyday he has a little break through. I thought he smiled at us a few times, but we read in a book that if he smiling, it's probably gas! Soon enough it will be the real thing though. Stay tuned!